What Are Zero-Click Searches & How Do They Impact SEO?

Happen when visitors don’t click on any additional links and instead obtain the information they require straight from the search engine results page (SERP). This may occur as a result of the solution being shown in a knowledge panel, highlighted snippet, or other rich result format.

When a user’s search returns a result on the search engine results page (SERP) that directly addresses their query, it’s known as a zero-click search. Thus, it is not necessary for the user to click on a link.

When searching Google for queries pertaining to time conversions, fundamental statistics, weather updates, and mathematical calculations, you’ll frequently see these results.

Here’s an example of what you can find if you search for “how old is Tom Cruise.”

An instant response appears at the top, followed by a People Also Ask (PAA) block directly beneath it, and an information box outlining important details about the entity being searched is called a knowledge panel, which is located on the right.

As you can see, you can find the solution to your question without actually clicking on any of the search results. given that this search requires no clicks.

How Do Zero-Click Searches Impact SEO?

Zero-click searches can increase the visibility of your business and are more common than you might imagine. However, they may cause a decrease in online traffic.

Only 25.6% of desktop searches and 17.3% of mobile searches end in no clicks, per our Zero-Clicks Study. Furthermore, that isn’t particularly important.

Additionally, your brand may show up on the SERP more prominently than it otherwise might if it appears for certain results. This presents you to fresh viewers. That might eventually result in more branded searches.

Zero-click searches, however, may still have a detrimental impact on your SEO. Because getting ranked close to the top of the SERP doesn’t guarantee that those queries will provide traffic to your website right away.

It also means that in order to determine whether focusing on a particular keyword would truly help you, you should assess whether it produces SERP characteristics, which are special results that differ from standard search listings.

Let’s say you are using the Keyword Magic Tool to do keyword research.

You might come upon a keyword that activates numerous SERP elements. comprising an information panel.

Then, it’s probably not the ideal keyword to focus on. because searchers can get all the information they require on the subject from the knowledge panel, which offers a comprehensive perspective.

It is unlikely that this kind of term will result in many clicks through to your website, even if you rank highly for it.

Rather, focus on keywords that have a greater chance of generating clicks (more on this later). Additionally, you should receive a higher return on your investment.

Types of Zero-Click Search Results

Zero-click search results comprise numerous types of SERP features that deliver fast responses.

  • Let’s investigate them:
  • Highlighted Snapshot

A chunk of text at the top of Google’s search results that is intended to respond to a user’s query fast is called a highlighted snippet.

The data is taken straight from of the website. and contains the URL and title of the page.

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Because the solution is displayed directly on the search page, this kind of result can be a zero-click search. In other words, the searcher might not need to click the link in order to obtain more information.

In the search results, for instance, featured snippets may include a video or even detailed instructions. It enables customers to obtain all the information they require right away.

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However, a highlighted passage on a difficult subject might really persuade readers to visit the link. in order for them to obtain all the information they need.


Using the Keyword Magic Tool’s sophisticated filters, you can rapidly determine which terms result in featured snippets or any other SERP features:

Direct Answer Box

A box that appears at the top of Google search results and offers a concise response to a straightforward query is known as a direct answer box. Additionally, a link is not included.

This is how it might appear:

This SERP feature is typically triggered by zero-click queries. A user seldom ever has to click on a standard search result because the question is so clear and the solution is so easy to understand.

Knowledge Panel

An information box known as a knowledge panel is displayed to users searching for an entity (person, place, organisation, or item) on the right side of the search results page.

It gives an overview of the entity’s details based on Google’s knowledge on the subject. It may consist of data, pictures, links, and other pertinent information.

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Knowledge panels in SERPs can lead to zero-click searches because Google offers a wealth of trustworthy information instantly. Therefore, users might be able to receive what they require without going to another website.

However, establishing a knowledge panel for your company might improve Google exposure and authority. This might increase website visitors.

Local Pack

A map and a list of nearby companies that fit the user’s search are displayed in a Google SERP feature called a local pack, sometimes known as a map pack. And it shows up when a location-based search is done.

They usually contain crucial details like the address, phone number, and reviews of each company.

This is how it might appear:

These search results give quick and clear information about a firm, thus they usually don’t result in clicks.

People Also Ask

One Google SERP feature that shows a list of questions relevant to the user’s query is the People Also Ask box. Additionally, each question will enlarge to display a succinct response along with a link to the original source.

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Because of the comprehensiveness and depth of the information offered, queries that elicit PAA boxes are frequently zero-click searches.

Each time you click on a related question, Google creates more. which implies that using this function, consumers can probably find all the answers they require.

However, having an answer show in People Also Ask can help build brand exposure. especially if you have multiple appearances in them.

How to Optimize for the Zero-Click Landscape

Negative SEO results aren’t always associated with zero-click searches. Furthermore, if you know how to optimise for them, they might not even be zero-click searches.

Here’s how to do it:


To follow along with this guide, create a free Semrush account (no credit card needed).

1. Target the Right Keywords

Generally speaking, it is preferable to concentrate on terms that result in the local pack, highlighted snippets, and PAA boxes rather than knowledge panels or direct response boxes. Because clicks and brand awareness are more likely to result from these SERP elements.

Thus, when conducting keyword research, pay particular attention to the SERP elements that your keywords activate. to ascertain whether it is worthwhile to target a specific keyword.

This is easily located in the Keyword Magic Tool’s “SERP Features” column.

o select which SERP features to add to or remove from the list, utilise the “Advanced filters” drop-down menu.

Using Keyword Overview, you may also examine the SERP for a particular keyword.

A summary of the SERP features that were triggered will appear. Additionally, you may click “View SERP” to get a screenshot of the page from the database collection day.

Getting a featured snippet ranking elevates your search result’s visibility, drives down competitors, and might even boost click-through rates. Additionally, it shows that Google finds your material to be reliable and credible.

Use the headline for the question you are responding to in order to target a featured snippet. And give a succinct, unambiguous response that adheres to the grammar used in the current sample.

You may also use what Google is now surfacing to target other kinds of highlighted snippets.

For instance, if Google is displaying a table snippet similar to this in your article, you should include a table in it:

Additionally, if Google is showing a list snippet in your content, make sure the list is formatted correctly.

After then, monitoring your rankings is an excellent SEO best practice. Specifically, your highlighted excerpts.

The Position Tracking tool makes it simple to accomplish that.

Once your tracking project is configured, select the “Featured Snippets” option.

The number of pages that are ranked for featured snippets will be visible to you:

And which keywords, for which you do not yet rank, result in featured snippets:

3. Create Content That Answers Users’ Questions

Providing responses that clearly meet the purpose of users’ searches, or their search intent, can increase the likelihood that your material will show up in PAA boxes and featured snippets. to eventually get more traffic and become more visible.

Find out what questions people are asking about your target term in order to start doing this.

This is something that Keyword Overview makes simple.

Navigate through the “Questions” column under the “Keyword ideas” widget by entering your target term.

All of these keywords are based on questions and contain your seed keyword.

Next, to view a screenshot of the search results, select “View SERP” under the “SERP Analysis” section.

Look for the presence of a PAA box. And write the queries down.

The questions you wrote down can now be compiled into a FAQ section on your page.

Make sure each question has a clear headline and a succinct, direct response. to improve the likelihood that you will show up in search results.

4. Improve Content Readability

Your chances of showing up in any search results are increased when your material is simple to grasp for both users and search engines. consisting of SERP elements frequently connected to zero-click queries.

In what way is this possible?

Divide your material into succinct phrases and paragraphs. Make use of visual aids, bullet points, and subheadings. And use the active voice when writing.

The SEO Writing Assistant allows you to assess the readability of any article.

You can use the tool to determine how simple it is to read and comprehend your writing.

Additionally, it will flag phrases or words that you may rework to make them easier to read.

5. Implement Schema Markup

Code that you may add to your webpages to make them easier for search engines to interpret is known as schema markup, or structured data. to enhance your page’s visibility in search results and help you rank for more pertinent search queries.

Here’s an illustration of how a product page using schema may appear in search results:

Compared to how they may appear in the absence of schema:

Product structured data pages are easily identifiable.

Use only the schema markup types that are pertinent to your content, even though there are many different types available.

Next, ensure that your schema markup is tested.

To assess a single page, utilise Google’s Rich Results Test tool.

Alternatively, use Site Audit’s “Markup” section to check for schema markup problems across the board.

6. Use Local SEO

Improving your internet presence to increase visibility and traffic is the main goal of local SEO. Additionally, it can assist you in obtaining a highlighted snippet for local searches, a knowledge panel, and possibly a local pack placement.

Start by adding as much information as possible to your Google Business Profile (GBP), such as your address, contact information, opening and closing times, and images.

Additionally, confirm that the NAP (name, address, and phone number) information you provide in other online directories and listings is correct. Because Google assesses your reliability based on the consistency of the listing material.

With the Listing Management Tool, you can quickly verify your local listings and submit your correct information to the most reputable directories.

Enter your company name first and choose it from the list that displays to get started.

A report of your listings, listings that need work, and the average star rating will be displayed.

Additionally, you’ll notice that every one of your postings has a specific issue, such as an incorrect phone number or location.

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Monitor Performance and Adapt Your Strategy

The goal of SEO in the era of zero-click searches is to become visible everywhere.

You may monitor your keyword rankings and see whether certain terms are causing SERP features with the aid of a tool such as Position Tracking. and which ones.

After that, you may use the aforementioned advice to modify your SEO plan and enhance outcomes.


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FAQs :

What is zero click in SEO?

A zero-click search is when a user’s search shows a result that directly answers the query on the search engine results page (SERP). So the user doesn’t have any need to click on a link.10 May 2024
How many searches are zero click?
How many searches are zero click?

Mobile devices tend to have a higher percentage of zero click searches compared to desktop. In 2020, 61.2% of mobile searches were zero click, while desktop searches were at 34.9%.20 Mar 2024

How to measure zero click searches?
Use Tools for Measuring and Tracking Zero-Click Searches: Several tools can help businesses analyze their website’s performance and track zero-click searches. For example, Google Search Console lets businesses monitor their website’s overall performance on Google Search, including tracking zero-click searches.
What is zero click traffic?
Upon hitting the Enter button, the user is rerouted to a landing page through a “parked” domain with the incorrect name. There’s no need for a user to click on any kind of ad to get to the advertiser’s landing page.

Conclusion :

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