Unnatural Links: What They Are and How to Fix Your Link Profile

Unnatural Links: Are backlinks pointing to your website that don’t follow search engine criteria. They frequently have a manipulative appearance and are intended to artificially raise your website’s position. They may result in fines from Google and other search engines, which could lead to lower rankings or possibly their removal from the results page.

Unnatural links are inbound or outbound website links that are purely intended to raise a website’s organic search rankings.

Links that are bought, traded, or manufactured may purposefully or unintentionally trick search engines into thinking a website is more authoritative than it actually is. These connections don’t benefit website users in any way.

Search engines penalise websites that utilise artificial links to increase their online visibility because they aim to provide visitors with the greatest possible experience and search results.

Consider looking up “best pizza in NYC.” The following text appears on one of the first few organic search results that you click on:

“Pizzerias all across the city serve the tastiest pizza in New York City. Pizza from New York has a long and distinguished history.

The pertinent keyword is present in the case above. However, it falls short of meeting your precise search goal—that is, identifying the greatest pizza in the city—and fails to offer relevant information.

In this instance, the outbound connections to well-known websites like nyc.gov and the keyword are probably a ruse to appear highly in internet searches.

This is the reason that websites that use “link spam,” or unnatural links, are severely penalised by search engines like Google.

Artificial links degrade the SEO performance of your website. Because Google’s ranking algorithm takes link quality into account, having artificial links on your website can lower its score.

Content that is less visible in search results is harder for users to find. It may result in less natural traffic to your website.

On April 1, 2023, a website noticed an unnatural links warning after six years (this was not an April Fool’s hoax). The fine Google levied has significant ramifications.

After examining the website in question, we discovered that between March and April of 2023, organic traffic decreased from 238,759 to 23,268.

In a similar vein, the placements of organic keywords dropped dramatically. Prior to the manual caution, the 1,400+ terms that were ranking in the top three Google results decreased to 113.

Google may also penalise your site for unnatural links if you neglect to maintain the quality of your outbound and inbound links.

In order to maintain high-quality content and a positive user experience, Google includes linking requirements in its spam policy. Your website can face a penalty or a manual action if it violates the rules.
Sites that use artificial, manipulative link-building strategies with the express purpose of raising their ranks are penalised by Google. Specifically:


indicating a decline in search engine ranks or a complete removal from Google’s index.

Google prioritises link quality when assessing websites for artificial links. Older, bad links may potentially hurt your website because it doesn’t take their age into account directly.

Additionally, Google ignores PageRank and Authority scores for a domain. This implies that a manual warning for unnatural links may appear on even trustworthy websites.

In December 2022, Google released an update aimed at curbing the impact of spammy links in search results.

SpamBrain, an AI-based spam prevention technology that Google has been honing since 2018, is used in the upgrade. It has been trained to identify large-scale direct and indirect spam.

Apart from the possibility that the aforementioned example of the “best pizza in NYC” being spam, it can also:

  • Identify websites that purchase links.
  • Make public external websites that have a large number of incoming, unreliable links

At the time, Google Search Central stated:

Since then, in March, August, October, and November of 2023, the search engine has really already undergone four major modifications.

The risks and repercussions of exploiting artificial links rise dramatically as Google becomes more adept at identifying them.

These seven kinds of artificial connections should be avoided at all costs.

1. Blog Comments or Forum Posts

Unnatural links could include user-generated spam, such as forum posts or blog comments on other websites that advertise your website and include links back to it.

Refrain from posting comments on blogs or forums like this one:

2. Spam Listings

Make sure that no one is misrepresenting your brand or internet business.

Spam listings are company profiles that use dubious methods such as virtual or erroneous addresses, keyword stuffing, and other unethical practices in an effort to obtain an unfair advantage in search results.

Whenever you come across a fraudulent listing, make the appropriate actions to remove it. If not, it may make your authentic company seem untrusted.

3. Low-Quality Directories

Avoid using generic internet directories for business listings that promise to raise your search engine rankings. It’s possible that they contain hidden, low-quality keyword links, which alert search engines to spam.

A directory of poor quality could possess any of the following traits:

  • Without any requirements, it accepts all contributions automatically.
  • It is hard to browse and not user-friendly, among other issues.
  • Because HTTP is used instead of HTTPS, it is not secure.

Don’t promote the usage of your company name in these directories. Restrict the online presence of your website to reputable directories such as Yelp, Reddit, and Google Business Profile.

Additionally, think about constructing links to your website from websites related to your sector. For example, you may wish to offer your pizzeria on a reservation website such as OpenTable, where you may market your business and make it visible to clients.

When you receive a link from another website and you reciprocate with another link, this is known as a link exchange.

Since swapping links with other websites isn’t a natural or organic approach, Google considers it harmful practice.

Bulk link exchanges are more likely to be penalised by the search engine because they involve many sites linking to one another on a wide scale. particularly when they pertain to websites that are in adjacent businesses.

Links between irrelevant subjects and websites may prompt Google to treat them suspiciously because it emphasises contextual relevancy.

Use the rel property to qualify every link that you are aware of in order to tell Google about your relationship with the linked website.

For instance, a rel=”sponsored” or rel=”nofollow” tag needs to be used to qualify a guest post or paid advertisement that includes a link exchange.

Google will be informed by these tags not to follow—and possibly even flag—those particular links.

5. Poor Quality PBNs

Websites known as private blog networks (PBNs) take payments in exchange for backlinks that raise your website’s search engine results. They might provide a brief SEO boost, but any impact is probably fleeting.


Due to Google’s algorithms’ propensity for identifying tampering. Additionally, employing a PBN may result in a Google penalty or outright de-indexing.

There are a lot of these websites available when you search for “PBN links for sale” online.

Important: Steer clear of PBNs that promote link-building services that require a payment.

Links that are present on every page of a website are known as sitewide links. To facilitate user and search crawler navigation, the majority of websites provide a navigation and footer containing sitewide links to products, services, about, and contact information, among other things.

For instance, Couponsberg’s footer has the following site-wide links:

Google Search Advocate John Mueller says that sitewide links are not immediately interpreted as being out of the ordinary by the search engine:

However, having too many connections can make your page or website appear cluttered or spammy, which could confuse visitors.

Use sitewide links in your website’s header and footer sparingly to keep visitors from leaving. These sections are positioned predictably because of the site-wide navigation provided by their links.

The content of a page is located in its body. Site-wide links in this case may clog the design and detract from the message.

Spammers may purposely damage your website’s reputation by placing automated links. Someone who engages in undesired, manipulative actions to damage or promote their content is known as a spammer.

Think about the query on how to get rid of dangerous auto-generated links from a website that was posted by a Search Console Help poster.

The answer?

Boost website security to prevent malicious backlinks to your pages. Otherwise, Google can impose a link penalty on your website.

Use Couponsberg’s Backlink Audit Tool to find links that aren’t natural and endanger the link profile of your website.

Enter your Couponsberg login information and choose Backlink Audit.

If this is your first time utilising Couponsberg, click “Start Backlink Audit,” enter your domain, and sign up for a free trial.

In Couponsberg, if you’re conducting an audit on an already-existing domain (or project), select your audit settings by clicking the “Set up” option. Click “+ Create project” to add a new domain.

Next, type in the project name (optional) and website address. On “Create project,” click.


You will now be prompted by the tool to select your audit parameters. This is the typical “Campaign Scope” of “Root domain” for most websites. In the left navigation, additional optional audit settings are as follows:

  • Brand configurations: If your domain name differs from your brand name, it can be useful to track and enter your official brand name.
  • Domain categories: List the subjects (subcategories) that your domain belongs to; these might be anything from travel to the arts. As a result, the tool can produce results that are more accurate.
  • Choose the nations that are relevant to your audience or business as your target countries. in order to help the programme determine whether backlinks originating from specific nations are relevant.

Click “Start Backlink Audit” to proceed when you’re ready.

The audit may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the size of your website. There will be a status bar to show its progress. This page is yours to exit and return to at a later time.

Click the domain to view additional information after the audit is finished.

High-quality, pertinent links improve user experience and raise your website’s search engine rating.

Backlink Audit gives you a summary of every link pointing to your website. classifying them into non-hazardous, potentially toxic, and toxic categories.

Additionally, the amount of poisonous backlinks—inbound connections that may degrade your site’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs)—gives you a “Overall Toxicity Score.”


Websites having 10% or more hazardous links are classified as highly toxic by Couponsberg. A medium toxicity score is indicated by websites with hazardous linkages between 3% and 9%. For websites with less than 3% harmful links, the lowest score is assigned.

According to the aforementioned research, there are 283 harmful and 780 potentially harmful links on our sample website.

To access the “Audit” area, click the red portion of the score bar. There, you will get a list of harmful links along with additional information about each one.

Google searches for recurring or odd linking patterns in backlinks, including PBNs, low-quality directories, and blog comments. These frequently point to deceptive tactics rather than organic connections.

Backlink Audit assists you in looking at links that have been identified so you can find any that fit these suspicious patterns rapidly.

For example, the programme recognises money and complex anchor sentences that generate a lot of spam signals automatically.

The report’s “Audit” section contains a detailed investigation of every harmful link.

You may view the following details for every backlink here:

  • Anchor: A backlink’s clickable text
  • Authority Score (AS): The domain’s reputability measured by Semrush using a proprietary metric. It takes into consideration the quantity and calibre of backlinks, natural search traffic, and general legitimacy.
  • Toxicity Score (TS): Uses a 100-point scale, ranging from 0 (good) to 100 (extremely poisonous), to determine the likely risk of a specific backlink.

Each link that has been flagged will have a glimpse of the “Toxic Markers” if you hover over the TS. Backlink Audit calculates toxicity based on more than 45 factors.

Your backlinks can be sorted into three lists with the use of this assessment: “Whitelist,” “Remove,” and “Disavow.” to specify what you want to do with each link.

Consistently auditing your backlink profile facilitates:

  • Keep your link profile in good shape.
  • Make sure the sources of your backlinks are reliable and pertinent.
  • Find and eliminate spammy or low-quality links that could damage the trustworthiness of your website.
  • Boost the search engine exposure of your website by streamlining your link-building process.

You can choose to disavow or remove any artificial links to your website after you’ve identified them. This is the method.

Once you’ve located the source of the strange link, get in touch with the webmaster or owner of the website to ask that it be taken down. Two ways to go about this are:

  1. Look for an email address or a “Contact Us” link on the page.
  2. To obtain website registration information and related contact details, use a programme such as Whois.

Give just enough background and details in a succinct email. Provide screenshots of the problematic links together with the accurate URLs as well.

It is not guaranteed that the site owner or webmaster will respond to your request right away. A few follow-up mails should be budgeted for.

With Backlink Audit, removing links is simple. Select a link by clicking the checkbox to the left of it, then select “Remove.”

To remove links originating from the same domain, choose “Domain.” or “URL” to eliminate a single, particular link. In order to complete your action, click “Move to Remove.”

These links are now available to you in the previously mentioned “Remove” list.

To specify the email address you want to use to send your letter, click the “Mailbox: Add” link located at the top of any Backlink Audit view.

Next, select the email provider you want to connect with.

Now, contact each web admin for whom you have an email address a request for bulk removal. You can also send follow-up emails with this tool.

Monitor Removal Progress

Make sure you track and keep an eye on the results of your efforts to remove links. This entails verifying that webmasters have removed the links per your request, keeping an eye on how link removals impact the functionality of your website, and spotting recurring problems.

Handling many email accounts for various web administrators might be challenging.

This procedure is streamlined by Backlink Audit’s “Remove” tab. Four category labels in the “Status” column show how each removal request email is progressing:

  • Not transmitted
  • Message sent
  • commenced
  • In response

By organising emails in this manner, you can decide on the best course of action for every email.

Lastly, a report listing all links that have been successfully eliminated is provided by Backlink Audit. At this point, you will have to deal with the links that haven’t been removed yet.

Use Google’s Disavow Tool

In the event that your requests for link removal are unsuccessful, you can use Google’s Disavow Links tool to remove unsolicited backlinks.

By disavowal, you tell Google not to take your links into account when it crawls your website. The next time the search engine looks for link spam, it won’t take your disavowed backlinks into account.

Important: If removal is not an option, only disavow links when it is absolutely required. Google has the following to say about it:

Make a list of the backlink URLs you wish to disavow in a.txt file. Navigate to the Disavow Links tool page and choose your domain. Next, upload your file by clicking the “Upload disavow list” button.

The Backlink Audit from Couponsberg is another option. First, choose every backlink from the “Audit” section that you wish to disavow.

Select “Domain” or “URL,” then press “Move to Disavow.”

The links are not immediately disavowed by this action. A.txt file still needs to be exported and uploaded to the Google tool.

Maintaining a good backlink profile for your website involves more than just addressing unnatural links.

In order to improve your site’s SEO without running the danger of penalties, use these few natural, ethical link-building strategies:

  • Outreach: Speak with influential people and relevant websites to request a backlink that is natural. Use a prospecting tool such as Semrush’s Link Building Tool to identify the relevant people.
  • Turn into a resource: Establish your company’s reputation as a reliable resource and authority for bloggers, journalists, and reporters.
  • Broken link building: Look through other websites in your niche for broken external links. Make contact and suggest that the link be changed to direct readers to your material.
  • Connectable resources: Provide informative materials such as fresh research, infographics, and comprehensive guides.
  • Brand references without links: Look for brand mentions on other websites that aren’t connected to you. Make contact to request a connection.
  • Analyse backlinks from competitors: Copy your rivals’ link-building tactics and use them in a healthy way.

Google typically doesn’t offer any additional detail when notifying users about unnatural links. So, the clear-cut response to the question below and others of a similar nature is “No.”

A programme like Backlink Audit can assist you in quickly identifying the factors that could cause Google to issue an unnatural links warning. Your hazardous backlinks are all identified by the programme.

The Link Building Tool can help you achieve a robust and fruitful SEO strategy in addition to your own efforts. It aids in email outreach setup, link-building chances compilation for your domain, and backlink monitoring for recently acquired links.

With Couponsberg, begin assuming complete management over your backlink profile.




FAQS : Unnatural Links

1. What are unnatural links?

Answer: Unnatural links are backlinks that violate search engine guidelines because they are obtained through manipulative means to artificially boost a website’s search engine ranking. These can include paid links, link exchanges, links from low-quality directories, comment spam, and more.

2. Why are unnatural links a problem?

Answer: Unnatural links can lead to penalties from search engines like Google, which can significantly harm your website’s search engine rankings or even result in your site being removed from search results entirely. They undermine the integrity of search engine results.

3. How can I identify unnatural links to my site?

Answer: To identify unnatural links:

  • Use tools like Google Search Console to check for manual actions.
  • Analyze your backlink profile with tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush.
  • Look for patterns such as links from low-quality or irrelevant sites, paid link footprints, and excessive link exchanges.

4. What is a manual action penalty?

Answer: A manual action penalty is imposed by Google’s webspam team when they identify that your site has violated their guidelines. This can result in your site’s rankings dropping or being removed from Google’s index. You can check for manual actions in Google Search Console.

5. How do I remove unnatural links?

Answer: To remove unnatural links:

  • Contact the webmasters of the linking sites and request link removal.
  • Use the Google Disavow Tool to disavow the links you cannot remove. This tells Google to ignore those links when assessing your site.

6. What is the Google Disavow Tool?

Answer: The Google Disavow Tool allows you to inform Google that you don’t want certain backlinks to be considered when ranking your site. This tool should be used carefully, and typically only after attempting to remove the links manually.

7. How can I prevent unnatural links in the future?

Answer: To prevent unnatural links:

  • Focus on earning organic, high-quality backlinks by creating valuable content.
  • Avoid participating in link schemes, buying links, or excessive reciprocal linking.
  • Monitor your backlink profile regularly using SEO tools to spot and address any suspicious links early.

Conclusion :

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