SEO Results: How to Track & Measure SEO Performance

SEO Results : The way a website performs in search engines (such as Google) and draws in natural visitors is referred to as its SEO performance.

However, tracking SEO outcomes may be done in a lot of helpful methods.

1. Organic Traffic

The quantity of visits to your website that occur from natural (i.e., unpaid) search engine results is known as organic traffic.

It’s a useful measure of how highly your sites rank for pertinent keywords, or the words and phrases that people in your target audience use to search the internet. and the quantity of visits you receive, which could eventually result in additional clients.

You can use Google Analytics 4 to gauge your organic traffic. and making your way to “Traffic acquisition” under “Reports” > “Acquisition.”

Similar to this

Next, modify the report to display data for the most recent complete month. Additionally, have a look at how many sessions, or visits, you’ve had in the “Organic Search” row.

Compare your organic traffic performance to those of the major competitors in your industry to determine how powerful it is. Go to Traffic Analytics, enter the websites of your primary rivals, and select “Analyse.”

Verify that the time period you’ve chosen corresponds to the one you used in Google Analytics.

Next, find out how much organic traffic your rivals receive by swiping down to the “Traffic Channels” column and hovering over “Organic Search.”

Compare these figures to the amount of organic traffic you have measured.

Do a thorough competition analysis (which involves identifying the search phrases your competitors target, examining their content, etc.) to determine why they are receiving a notably higher volume of traffic from organic search. then devise a plan of action to surpass them.

See our SEO competitor analysis guide for instructions on how to accomplish that if you need assistance.

2. Keyword Rankings

The position of your website for a certain term or phrase on a search engine results page (SERP) is known as its keyword ranking.

Additionally, you’re more likely to attract more visitors to your website the higher you rank.

However, the keyword ranks of a website can fluctuate regularly. for a variety of causes.

It’s possible that Google modifies its algorithm, that you lose backlinks, or that your rivals update and enhance their content.

Thus, it’s critical to monitor your SEO rankings.

Losing visitors to your website due to a drop in ranking places could be detrimental to your business.

Using our Position Tracking tool to set up a campaign is one of the greatest methods to keep an eye on your keyword ranks. It’ll monitor your standings every day. and without fail.

Launch the tool, type in the name of your domain, then select “Set up tracking.”

You will be prompted by the tool to select a domain (e.g., “Root domain,” “Subdomain”). Additionally, to choose a device, location, language, and search engine to monitor your ranks.

Click “Continue To Keywords” when finished.

Add the terms you want to track in this following screen.

Either manually add them or import a list from an existing resource, such as a CSV file or a prior campaign, by clicking the “Import from…” button. or ask couponsberg for recommendations.

Click “Start Tracking” after that.

Your rankings will be visible in the dashboard once everything is configured.

If you’re not content with your present ranking, you can try to raise it by requesting links from reputable websites, speeding up the loading of your page, and utilising other optimisation strategies.

3. SERP Visibility

The frequency and prominence of your website’s appearance on search engine results pages for pertinent keywords is known as SERP visibility.

It considers the rankings of keywords. In addition, there are SERP features, which are unconventional organic results like information panels, picture packs, featured snippets, and others.

We previously described the Position Tracking tool, which makes it simple to evaluate the visibility of your website.

The dashboard’s “Visibility” index will be the first thing you see.


This percentage, which displays your site’s progress in Google’s top 100 results for the keywords in your tracking campaign, is based on click-through rate.

If your domain doesn’t appear in Google’s top 100 results for any of the tracked keywords, it has a visibility score of 0%.

Additionally, if your domain has a 100% visibility score, it appears first in the search engine results page for every keyword you have tracked.

Your chances of getting people to your website are better the higher your visibility percentage is.

Select the “Overview” tab at this point.

As you scroll down, a table containing the keywords from your campaign along with their respective visibility levels will appear.

Pay careful attention to this table. Additionally, make every effort to increase your visibility %.

As an illustration, the following are some best techniques to raise visibility:

Modifying your content to make it more optimised for the search engine results page (SERP) elements that are currently displayed

To aid Google in comprehending and presenting your information more effectively in the SERPs, add structured data, or specific coding, to your pages.

Increasing the number of backlinks pointing to your pages from other websites

4. Impressions

The quantity of times your website was viewed in search results over a specific time frame is known as impressions.

It provides you with an indication of whether your efforts are making you appear in search results, which makes it a crucial measure for monitoring your SEO development.

An rise in the quantity of organic impressions for your website is sometimes the first indication that SEO is working.

Navigate to the “Search results” report in Google Search Console to monitor impressions.

Additionally, you’ll be able to view the overall impressions your website garnered throughout the chosen period.

After that, pick the “Pages” tab by scrolling down. Additionally, page-by-page impression statistics will be displayed to you.

Your impressions ought to rise gradually if you’ve made the necessary efforts to optimise your website for search engines. As your pages begin to show up for more relevant queries and with greater prominence.

5. Click-Through Rate

The percentage of users who click on your website from the SERP is known as the click-through rate, or CTR.

It demonstrates how well searchers are drawn to and interested in your titles and descriptions in SERPs.

It is computed by multiplying the result by 100 after dividing the total number of clicks by the total number of impressions.

For instance, your CTR would be 10% if your website was listed 100 times in a search engine result page and 10 users clicked on it.

Go into Google Search Console to examine your Google CTR.

Next, select “Search results” from the “Performance” menu.

To view the average click-through rate for your website, tick the box next to “Average CTR.”

Additionally, you can examine CTR on a page-by-page basis. Navigate to the “Pages” tab by scrolling down to the table below.

Rewrite your title tags (HTML that describes your page titles and may show up in search results) using power words (such “best,” “free,” “step-by-step,” etc.) and/or numbers or brackets to improve your click-through rate (CTR).

Additionally, to avoid having your title tags reduced in search results, make sure they are 55 characters or fewer.

To try to increase your CTR, you can also modify your meta descriptions—a type of HTML that serves as a page description and could show up in search engine results.

Make sure you employ words and phrases that encourage users to click through to your pages, such as “find out,” “learn more,” and “dive deep.”

6. Conversions

When a user completes a desired activity on your website, such as downloading an ebook, signing up for a trial, purchasing something, or subscribing to a newsletter, it’s known as a conversion.

High conversion rates indicate that your pages are successful in converting visitors into leads or paying clients.

Google Analytics refers to conversions as “key events.”

Set up your key events in Google Analytics so you can monitor them.

To do just that, refer to Google’s instructions on adding and changing key events.

Following that, you’ll be able to monitor the natural visits that result in significant incidents.

Go to “Reports” > to view your important events. “Traffic acquisition” > “Acquisition.”

The critical event rate for each channel is now visible to you. include natural search engine results.

To enhance your outcomes, consider the following conversion optimisation advice:

  • Make use of strong and concise calls to action (CTAs).
  • Make forms and checkout procedures simpler by simply requesting the information that is necessary.
  • Make use of pop-ups to draw in visitors before they depart.

7. Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors to your website that depart without taking any action, like as visiting another page or completing a form, is known as the “bounce rate.”

This particular SEO metric demonstrates how interesting and pertinent your material is to users that find it.

Additionally, tracking bounce rate can assist in identifying any shortcomings in your website’s SEO strategy or approach, such as a slow loading time, inadequate mobile optimisation, a mismatch between keywords and content, and more.

You can use Google Analytics to see your bounce rate.

Launch the tool, then select “Reports” > “Life cycle” > “Involvement” > “Screens and pages.”

Click the pencil icon to customise your report and add bounce rate.

From the “Report Data” option, pick “Metrics.”

After that, select “Bounce rate” from the “Add metric” drop-down menu and click “Apply.”

The bounce rate ought to be visible to you now in your report.

Use our Traffic Analytics tool to compare your bounce rate to that of your competitors.

Launch the tool, type in the domain names of your rivals, then select “Analyse.”

A table displaying the average bounce rates for each domain will be displayed to you. as well as the variation from the prior month.

By selecting “Bounce Rate” under “Trend by Competitors” and swiping down, you can also view a trend graph.

Check your comparison. And if necessary, take action to get better.

The following advice will help you reduce your bounce rate:

  • Make sure you’re taking into account search intent, which is the primary driver behind users’ keyword searches.
  • Make your stuff simple to navigate and read.
  • Include internal links to your website’s other pages.

8. Website Authority

An SEO statistic called website authority forecasts how highly search engines will rank your website.

We refer to this metric as “Authority Score” at Semrush. It also depends on other data, such as the volume and quality of backlinks to your website from organic searches.

The logarithmic scale from 1 to 100 is used to display the score. Furthermore, a higher score indicates a stronger and more authoritative domain.

Domain Overview, Backlink Analytics, Backlink Audit, and the Link Building tool all provide the Authority Score for every given domain.

Compare your site’s Authority Score to those of your competitors to gain a deeper understanding of it.

Click “Analyse” after opening Backlink Analytics and entering your domain.

After that, total up the domains of four rivals and click “Compare.”

Try not to obsess over your precise score. However, make an effort to make it better.

And developing reputable backlinks to your website is one of the best strategies to achieve that.

In the next section, we’ll go over how to achieve it in detail.

Backlinks are external links pointing to your website.

They also serve as one of Google’s most crucial ranking criteria by demonstrating to users how valuable and trustworthy your website is.

This implies:

It’s crucial to track and keep an eye on your backlink profile. And Backlink Analytics makes it simple to accomplish that.

After entering your domain, select “Analyse.”

You will receive an overview of the total backlinks and referring domains (websites that link to you at least once) for your website.

Additionally, you can view trend graphs for these indicators by scrolling down.

You can find trend graphs for backlinks and newly and lost referring websites further down.

Strive to consistently develop high-caliber backlinks pointing to your website.

Here are a few well-liked link-building strategies:

Developing information that is naturally linked to by other websites, such as infographics, comprehensive tutorials, and original research, is known as linkable content.

  • Email outreach: Getting in touch with other websites within your industry to request a link to your high-quality material
  • Broken link building: assisting website administrators in identifying and repairing broken connections on their website in exchange for backlinks
  • Unlinked brand mentions: Requesting that brand mentions on websites that do not have a backlink to the original website be made linked.

10. Technical Health

If your webpages are in good technical order, search engines will be able to crawl (discover) them, index (store in a database), and rank them for relevant queries.

It also affects how user-friendly and quickly your website loads on mobile devices. And for search engine rankings, these two are essential components.

However, how do you assess the technical health of your website?

Use the Site Audit tool from Couponsberg.

Launch the tool, type in the name of your domain, and select “Start Audit.”

Next, set up your audit using the setting guide.

When it’s finished, the dashboard will look like this:

Take note of your Site Health score, which is also known as your Technical Health Score or SEO score. The quantity and seriousness of the problems the audit found are used to gauge the general health of your website.

Your site has fewer critical flaws the higher its score. Additionally, it will probably rank higher in search results.

After that, select the “Issues” tab. Each technical issue will be listed individually for you to examine.

Try to correct them. For a brief explanation on how to resolve the issue, click the “Why and how to fix it” link located next to it if you’re unsure how.

11. Engagement Time

The average amount of time a person spends on your webpage is known as engagement time (also known as time on page).

Assessing how effectively your content satisfies search intent is a useful statistic. This is crucial for search engine optimisation.

If someone searches for a particular term on Google, visits your page, and stays on it for an extended period of time, it’s likely that your website met their needs.

They discovered what they were seeking. It was also beneficial.

Conversely, a low time on page can mean that the content of your page does not fit the user’s search query.

Engagement duration, however, is not a perfect indicator of the value of your material or if you have met search engine intent. Engagement times for certain queries will naturally be short.)

In any case, Google Analytics allows you to monitor the average amount of time visitors spend on your website.

After logging in, select “Reports” > “Engagement” > “Pages and screens” from within your GA4 account. The measure is visible in the “Average engagement time” column.

Pages with a significantly lower number are worth looking into.

Additionally, using Keyword Overview to find the target keyword for the page is a simple method of determining search intent.

Its search intent will be displayed in the “Intent” field.

Next, make sure the material on your site has the appropriate kind of intent.

How Long Does It Take to See SEO Results?

Observably, SEO takes a while to produce results.

Thus, consider SEO to be a continuous endeavour that will never be finished.

The length of time it will take you to see results will also rely on how new your website is, how effective your SEO plan is, and how consistently you execute your techniques.

If all of that works in your favour, you should notice results in four months to a year.

Keep in mind that the keywords you’re attempting to rank for and the identities of your competitors will have a big impact on your website’s visibility and ranks.

Monitor your progress by keeping tabs on outcomes and adjusting your plan in response to new information.

You’ll witness its benefits over time. Give sustainability more weight than speed. And you’ll have longer to enjoy the benefits.

Evaluate Your SEO Performance

It’s time to go one step further and give SEO performance measurement a shot now that you know how to do it.

Launch couponsberg , Google Analytics, and Google Search Console. And begin tracking the success of your SEO efforts.

This is your chance to create a free Couponsberg account if you haven’t already.

Start now.




FAQs : SEO Results

  1. What is SEO performance?SEO performance refers to how well a website ranks on search engines like Google and attracts organic traffic. It involves various metrics that indicate the effectiveness of SEO strategies in improving a website’s visibility and user engagement.
  2. How can I check my keyword rankings?You can check your keyword rankings using SEO tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz. These tools provide insights into where your website stands in search engine results for specific keywords.
  3. What is organic traffic?Organic traffic refers to the visitors who reach your website through unpaid search engine results. It’s an important metric because it indicates how well your site is performing in terms of visibility and relevance in search engines.
  4. Why are backlinks important for SEO?Backlinks are important because they act as endorsements from other websites. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites can improve your website’s authority and help it rank higher in search engine results.
  5. How does page load speed affect SEO?Page load speed affects SEO because search engines, like Google, prioritize websites that load quickly. Faster sites provide a better user experience, leading to higher rankings and lower bounce rates.
  6. What is a bounce rate, and why does it matter?Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that your content is not engaging or relevant to visitors, which can negatively impact your SEO performance.
  7. How can I improve my website’s mobile usability?To improve your website’s mobile usability, ensure your site is responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check and optimize your site for mobile devices. This is crucial as mobile-friendly sites are favored by search engines.

Conclusion :

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