Is SEO Dead? Here Is What People Think About It

The majority of people say SEO is dead. There’s no way you can rank your website using SEO and generate organic traffic. However, the question is: Is SEO really dead?

This article will help you to solve this query for good and you’re never going to talk about this topic ever again.

Why Do People Think SEO Is Dead?

Many people openly admit that SEO is dead. It’s because Google is constantly changing its algorithm every single day. Moreover, Google is making it harder and harder for anyone to rank at the top of Google.

Since Google is updating its algorithm with core updates as well, many people find it hard to compete with their competitors. Hence, they start saying SEO is dead.

Core updates not only make it difficult to rank but also, de-rank the website rankings if they find out the website isn’t providing valuable content to its readers.

Is SEO Really Dead?

The answer is – A Big No!
SEO is not dead. However, it’s changing its ways. Like Google wants only relevant information for its users. And the websites providing irrelevant information to their user are likely to be de-ranked according to Google Algorithm’s updates.

If your website is providing what users really need then there’s no power that can stop you from ranking at the top. But to be on the top, you will have to understand what readers really want. Moreover, you will have to stick to the algorithm rules.

Is SEO Dead? Here's What People Think About It
Is SEO Dead?
Also Read: What Is SEO? How Important It Is for Marketing?

How SEO Is Changing?

In the paragraph above, we told you that SEO is changing its ways now. It’s because we’re living in an era of high-end technology where people love to read only genuine information. And also, people are more likely to skip information that has nothing to do with them.

The Google algorithm updates can be seen frequently nowadays. From these updates, you can imagine how competitive SEO is getting day by day. Those times have been gone when people just used to write an article, put some keywords into it, and boom, their article got ranked.

Now, you need something more to rank at the top. And it’s constantly getting changed day by day. So, yeah, it’s hard to rank your website. However, it’s not that hard too. Let’s learn more.

How SEO Is Getting Harder With Time?

SEO is not dead, however, it’s getting harder and harder. And it’s because Google wants more and more changes to websites. There must be something unique in your article that readers can find interesting and helpful.

SEO isn’t about mentioning keywords in your articles. It’s more than that now. You’ve to provide videos, images, or whatever you can to demonstrate in an easier way. The Off-page SEO isn’t just about tons of backlinks now. Google wants quality over quantity.

Things That Are No Longer Considered as Ranking Factors

Since SEO is changing over time, there are some tips and strategies that are no longer considered ranking factors now.

  • Website Age
  • Word Count
  • Social Signals
  • AMP
  • XML Sitemaps
  • Tons of irrelevant backlinks
  • Outbound links

Is It Possible to Rank Websites with a Hard SEO Competition?

Yes. Being hard doesn’t mean being impossible. If you are constantly making changes to your website and its articles likewise Google Algorithm, you’re more likely to rank better on Google.

What Google wants you to do is optimize your information for your readers. If you gain the attention of the users, you’re automatically going to attract the attention of the algorithm as well.

You can still see that people are doing well in SEO. It’s because they probably found a way to provide what their users want. Moreover, they are following the algorithm. Stay in touch with the latest updates, and make changes to your website according to that.

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