How to Build a Non Profit Website

Non Profit Website : It is crucial to have an internet presence for any kind of non-profit you manage in order to reach people and spread the word. You could be a little lost, though, if you have never made a website before. But don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the process of creating a non-profit website in this article.

Why does your non-profit need a website?

Nowadays, the majority of owners of for-profit businesses believe that having a website is essential. But a lot of nonprofit organisations think it’s a waste of money. This is untrue. It is quite sensible to have an online presence, especially with the availability of inexpensive website builders and the millions of individuals that can be reached online.

In actuality, having a website is essential for any kind of non-profit organisation that you manage. The benefits of creating an online presence are numerous.

Reach a Huge Number Of People

Moreover, a website can assist you increase the organization’s worth. Everyone will see your non-profit as having more value—not only your clients, but also other businesses. Because your website increases your trust, you can find it simpler to obtain financing from the bank, for example.

Boost the value of your organization

Moreover, a website can assist you increase the organization’s worth. Everyone will see your non-profit as having more value—not only your clients, but also other businesses. Because your website increases your trust, you can find it simpler to obtain financing from the bank, for example.

Compete with bigger charities and organizations 

Reputable charities can compete with smaller ones when they have well-designed websites. You can make sure you stand out from the competition and attract attention with an eye-catching website and sound strategy. In addition, it offers you a voice and lets you into a previously undiscovered realm of marketing.

Choose your domain name 

The one thing you will have to deal with for a very long time is your domain name. Everything else is readily and rapidly changeable, but changing the name of your website is a bother you probably don’t want to deal with once you have chosen your domain name, paid for the web address, and people start to recognise your name. Therefore, it is best to get it right from the start.

Your brand is the first consideration when selecting a domain name. It’s fantastic if you can find a name that fits, but if it’s already taken, you’ll need to go beyond the box. Anything you decide upon should be effective as long as it is recognisable.

For it to stick in people’s minds, though, it must also relate to the cause or service you are offering. Since lengthy charity website names are more difficult to remember than short ones, you should come up with something memorable and simple to spell. A challenging term can irritate users and send them to a competitor’s website or, worse, a 404 page!

To acquire your charity URL for free, follow my instructions on how to obtain a free domain name.

Select a good website builder and start building your site

You then require a competent website builder. To help you better understand the various alternatives accessible to you, I have compared the top 10 website builders in the UK.

It makes perfect sense to use a website builder as it’s a great method to keep prices down. The expense of hiring a qualified website developer might be very high. It is far more cheap to use a website builder because you only pay a set monthly fee.

Non-profit and charity templates are available in the greatest website builders available today, allowing you to select the one that most closely matches your brand.

I would advise you to look at the following several website builders for your non-profit:


Wix is the only location where you should start. Wix is quite user-friendly and professional at the same time. With the drag-and-drop builder, you can quickly design a website and easily view changes as they are made in real time.

You should have no problem choosing the ideal theme for your non-profit because there are over 500 themes available. See my review of Wix for further details.

2, Site123

Consideration should also be given to Site123. For novices, this site builder is excellent. I can tell you that if you’re not a tech aware person, you won’t have any problems using Site123! This builder is not a standard drag-and-drop interface. The pre-made templates allow you to get started immediately. Although there is a free plan, I usually suggest choosing a paid plan since if you don’t, your website will be branded by the website builder. This is applicable to all free plans, not just the Site123 one. See my Site123 review for further details.


Weebly is a website builder that provides you with amazing layouts and marketing tools. Weebly has something to offer everyone, and it’s not too difficult to use. Weebly is right up there when it comes to simplicity, thus some users may find it useful, but others may find it lacking. Everything is dependent upon your search parameters. For further details, see my review on Weebly.


The next website builder I recommend is Squarespace; for more details on this platform, read my evaluation of Squarespace. This website builder is also a drag-and-drop interface, and I have to say, I really enjoy using it. The primary selling point for me with Squarespace is that you can really customise your website nicely. You have access to over 1000 Typekit fonts and over 600 Google fonts. This is only the tip of the iceberg. You can be positive that your website won’t wind up looking exactly like everyone else’s.


Lastly, I suggest that you take a look at Jimdo. Once more, if you want to learn more about Jimdo, you can read my evaluation in its entirety here. On Jimdo, there are two ways to create a website. The first is Jimdo Creator, which gives you command and artistic freedom. The second choice is Jimdo Dolphin, which makes use of ADI technology to virtually do the website creation for you. After providing your answers to a few questions, a website is generated, which you may then edit if you so like.

Choose a good website host

Additionally, you must ensure that your website host is reputable. All of the files for your website are stored on a web host. It serves as the virtual residence for your website! Web hosting is now included with several website builders and domain services. That being said, if you’d rather have a speedier service with better security, you might want to select a different web host. If you want to learn more about the many possibilities available, you may go through my hosting evaluations.

The following are a few of my preferred hosting platforms:


If you’re searching for a cheap host, Hostinger is a great choice. It was founded in 2004. You receive a decent quantity of storage and the servers are quick. Unlimited internet, Google Ads credit, and a free email are further advantages. To learn more about this web host, you can read my Hostinger review.


The next company on our list is BlueHost, which was founded in 1996 and is among the oldest web hosting providers. Without a doubt, one of the quickest hosts out there right now is BlueHost. They also offer top-notch, round-the-clock assistance. A customer service agent can be reached by phone, email, or live chat. Simply read my BlueHost review to learn more if you’d like to know more.


Another good option to consider if you haven’t quite discovered the right web host for you is HostGator. For further details, you may read my HostGator review once more. Though there are several plans available, the Baby Plan is the most widely used. You will receive limitless email, shared SSL, FTP accounts, bandwidth, and storage along with limitless MySQL databases and rapid backups with this.

Make sure your non-profit website is responsive 

One very important strategy is “responsive web design.” The goal of this kind of web design is to give the user the best possible viewing experience. It is imperative to ensure your website is easy to navigate and entertaining for users on all devices, be it a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

It is easy to understand why your non-profit website needs to work well on a smaller screen when you take into account that the majority of people access the internet through smartphones.

What are the benefits of launching a responsively driven website?

  • Expand your audience – One of the primary advantages of this strategy is that it will enable you to connect with more people who use mobile and tablet devices to access the Internet. This is especially crucial in light of the fact that both gadgets are currently seeing tremendous growth in popularity.
  • Better SEO – If you choose this kind of web design, your SEO, or search engine optimisation, will get better. Why? You only need to optimise the content or develop links for one website because you only need to create one. Furthermore, the structure of your URL will remain the same across all devices. By doing this, you will rank higher and become more visible on search engines.
  • Cost-effectiveness: This one should go without saying. If you choose not to use a flexible web design, you would probably have to produce many versions of your website, each adapted to a different device. However, it is far less expensive to build and maintain a single website.
  • Boost interest and donations: This is maybe the most crucial recommendation of all. Viewing and navigational issues are a major contributing factor to a high bounce rate. If someone is having trouble while using your website, they are probably going to stop watching. Responsive web design significantly reduces the likelihood of this happening.

What makes a successful responsive website design?

The development of an effective responsive website design involves many essential elements. One of the most crucial things is to optimise your photos. One of the main causes of sluggish page loading is images.

Additionally, you ought to activate compression. By compressing all of your resources, this lowers the amount of bytes a page sends over the network.

Excessive page elements must be removed, and you must carefully consider your hosting options.

Make sure your website is clear

The key to creating a successful website is clarity. Whatever purpose your website serves, if a potential consumer can’t easily and clearly discover the information they need, they will leave.

Thus, consider this: which elements of your website are most important? The most crucial thing is to leave a lasting impact on your audience with a compelling message. What do you provide, and how do you outperform your rivals? So, what happens to your money? Which cause are you supporting? Why should donors put their trust in you?

You should pay special attention to your homepage because it’s the most effective instrument you have for projecting an interesting picture of your charity. It must convey your non-profit organisation accurately and be visually appealing.

Even though some of the worst websites you visit on a daily basis have all the information users could ever need, they are so disorganised that users leave the page before finding what they’re looking for.

Following a clear message, easy navigation around your website is another essential component. The most intelligent websites anticipate their users’ next steps and are intuitive. You can be sure that potential supporters won’t bother searching for what they’re looking for if you don’t have a fundamental, logical structure.

Look for a website design builder that offers good support

I’ve already listed a few of my preferred website builders, but before you choose one, make sure to look into the support options. Although many people would think that getting paid to create a website and seeing it through to completion is the end of web design, that shouldn’t ever be the case.

Web design and development is a continuous process that requires assistance and, when needed, rebuilding. It is never a process that ends.

Therefore, you must confirm that the web builder will provide you with appropriate web support. In addition to handling issues as they emerge, excellent support also entails maximising reporting and analytics to ensure that your website is contributing to the intended outcomes.

Because nonprofits have so many responsibilities, it’s simple for them to lag behind in adopting the best practices for website design. Not only should good support be available at times of crisis, but it should also be a continuous channel of contact.

Market your non-profit effectively

Selecting the ideal name for your non-profit brand is always the first step in marketing it; if not, you may have to go through a drawn-out procedure, which Google only makes more challenging. As previously stated, you must select a domain name carefully. Make sure it is memorable, has your keywords in it, and is catchy. Don’t copy another business either!

You may be surprised to learn that a blog on your website can improve search engine optimisation and drive more visitors to your website. Google prefers to see new content, therefore the more new stuff you add to your website, the higher you’ll appear in the search results.

The simplest approach to make sure your website is updated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis is to establish a blog. Using outbound links in addition to backlinks to your own material will help you get even more exposure. It goes beyond search engines, though.

Any web designer worth their salt will tell you that blogging is a fantastic way to build relationships with both your existing and potential supporters. Blog postings are great for sharing on social media, which spreads the word about your brand and helps it reach a wider audience than it may otherwise be able to.

It also gives them an insight into how you operate and gives them the opportunity to comment and participate.

People will visit your blog first if it contains fascinating and useful content, and each visitor has the potential to become an advocate for your cause.

Manage your online content with a CMS

For non-profits, content is essential because it expands your audience, clarifies your mission, and builds momentum. Nevertheless, managing your web content can be challenging, which is why a content management system (CMS) is highly advised.

What is a CMS?

A content management system, or CMS for short, is a type of application that allows different users to access different features related to managing information and data about a website project at different degrees of permission.

Considering the crucial role that material plays online these days, it is not unexpected that content management system integration has become an essential component of web development.

Let’s start by examining the current demand for content management systems. This is the result of a shift in the process of creating websites. In the beginning, website developers would generate pages on their local computers using an FTP programme.

The files would be transferred to their server and made accessible through the website. If changes were required, the process would be restarted. But in the last few years, things have gotten much more efficient.

Problems arose as websites ventured beyond the traditional brochure-ware designs and began to feature dynamic content, active communities, and original content. Daily updates to websites were required, and the old procedure did not permit this.

These days, it is essential that material be automatically updated via RSS feeds and that different users be able to contribute content. A CMS is becoming an essential tool for any web developer because of this.

Reasons why non-profits need to use content management systems

Now that you are aware of the reasons behind the need for content management systems, let’s examine some of their advantages in more detail below.

Manage your marketing campaign under one roof 

You may use a single dashboard to handle your internet marketing campaign with the top content management systems. The majority of systems come with a tonne of tools for email marketing, social media marketing, blogging, and SEO. These systems can also be used to create event registration forms, collect fees and donations, and store member information.

A complete overhaul won’t be required when re-designing your website

The fact that your website’s content and appearance will be distinct is another advantage of using a CMS. This implies that you can easily alter the appearance of your website. All you have to do is remove the previous design and apply the new one. There won’t be any affect on your content.

CMS facilitates collaboration 

It’s common knowledge that increased cooperation is essential to non-profit effectiveness in the modern day, and CMS makes this possible. When it comes to the development, editing, and approval of content prior to publication, you may support the cooperative efforts of your employees. Additionally, a workflow engine can be included.

Fresh content will improve your search engine visibility

Naturally, the convenience with which you will be able to generate new material on a regular basis is one of the most important reasons to invest in CMS. You can cover everything, from news articles to professional analysis and advice. Regular content updates will help you rank higher in search engine results and give the impression that you are a more engaged business.

My main tips for an effective non-profit website

If you’re wondering how to create a non-profit website, maybe this post has given you more confidence in the actions you need to take. However, before I wrap up, allow me to provide you some useful advice on how to make a non-profit website that works:

Take inspiration from other websites – There’s just one way to get started. This does not suggest that you should just imitate other people’s actions. But you may get an idea of what works and what doesn’t by visiting the non-profit and charitable websites that are now available. You’ll be able to tell what you enjoy and dislike.

Locate a reliable website developer. The quality of your website will depend on the programme you chose to construct it. You should use a website builder that makes it simple to receive donations if you are organising a fundraising event. Other website builders, on the other hand, are more appropriate for websites that are only meant to be used for informational reasons and are not intended to accept online donations.

Value addition: A well-designed website adds value. Let’s take the scenario where you are attempting to generate funds for kids who struggle with learning. Why not offer some understanding of learning challenges? You may include films of the kids to provide perspective, provided you get permission.

Do test your website: Testing a website is an essential step in the creation of any website, not just non-profit websites. Before going live, you want to make sure everything functions as it should. In addition, you want to ask friends and relatives who you can rely on for frank advice for assistance. Their input can help you determine whether the website is visually appealing, enjoyable to use, and that visitors knew exactly where to go and what to do when they arrived at your website. Navigating with ease is essential.

The best course of action is minimalism; avoid overcomplication. In terms of website design, less is more.

Avoid using generic stock photos: While essential in website design, stock photos have their place. But sincerity is crucial when it comes to charitable endeavours. You will simply weaken your brand and lessen the impact of your efforts if you choose stock photos that are widely used online. Using original photos is a good idea whenever possible.

Take the time to find stock photos from underutilised sources if this isn’t feasible. In order to ensure that your photos are less frequently utilised, it can even be worthwhile to pay for them.

Lastly, but just as importantly, it is imperative that you ensure that your website is responsive. These days, the majority of individuals use their mobile phones to access the Internet. The last thing you want is for people to quit your website and look elsewhere because they can’t access it properly. Rather, you must ensure that your website is completely functional and aesthetically pleasing on smaller screens. Additionally, you will need to modify your SEO plan to accommodate mobile devices.

Final words on how to build a non-profit website

I hope my tutorial on creating a non-profit website has been useful to you. The process could seem very overwhelming to you. But if you adhere to the above-mentioned step-by-step procedure, you ought to have a powerful website that aids in gaining support for your cause.




FAQs : Non Profit Website

1. What is a non-profit website?

A non-profit website is an online platform that represents a non-profit organization. It provides information about the organization’s mission, programs, events, and how to get involved or donate.

2. How can I make a donation through the non-profit website?

Most non-profit websites have a dedicated “Donate” button or section where you can make a donation online using various payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, or other secure online payment systems.

3. What information can I find on a non-profit website?

You can typically find information about the organization’s mission, history, programs, impact, upcoming events, news, volunteer opportunities, and contact details. Some websites also feature stories from beneficiaries and financial reports.

4. How can I get involved with the non-profit?

Non-profit websites usually have a “Get Involved” or “Volunteer” section where you can find information on how to volunteer, participate in events, join advocacy efforts, or support the organization in other ways.

5. Are donations made through the website tax-deductible?

Generally, donations to registered non-profits are tax-deductible. The website often provides information on the tax-deductibility of donations, and you will usually receive a receipt for your records. It’s always good to consult with a tax professional for specific advice.

6. How can I stay updated with the non-profit’s activities?

You can stay updated by subscribing to the non-profit’s newsletter, following their social media accounts, or checking their website regularly for news and updates. Many websites have a blog or news section with the latest information.

7. How secure is my personal information when I donate or register on the website?

Reputable non-profit websites use secure encryption technologies (such as SSL) to protect your personal and financial information. Look for security indicators like “https” in the URL and trust seals from security companies.

Conclusion :

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