Top 10 Blogging Platforms – Which One to Choose?

Blogging Platforms : One of the greatest methods to get your thoughts out of your head and into the world is by blogging. Before their ascent in the 1990s, journalists were the only writers who were published; today, anyone with a laptop and a blog may express themselves. While some individuals only use their blogs as constantly linked journals, many people actually make a living off of them. Whatever the situation may be, a strong blogging platform unites all blogs!

We’ll go over what you need to know about blogging platforms today, including our list of the top 10 blogging platforms and their fundamental definitions and capabilities.

What is a Blogging Platform?

A blogging platform serves as the basis and structure around which your blog is built. It has every tool you require to compose and post blog entries for public consumption. In addition, comment areas and various social media sharing options on blogging platforms promote user connection and engagement. Although some individuals would think that all blogging platforms are the same, when comparing them, there are a few benefits and features to consider.

Above all, your blogging platform should be dependable so that you never have to worry about your postings disappearing from the internet. There should be a tonne of customisable choices available as well so you may alter your blog’s appearance and feel.

To assist you select the blogging platform that will be most effective for you, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which would you prefer—a blog or an entire website?
  • Do you think owning a domain name is important?
  • If you want to spend money, how much is it?
  • Do you intend to monetize your blog?

The blogging platform you choose will depend on how you respond to these queries. The first thing you need to do is choose between self-hosting your blog and using a hosting service. When you blog on your own, the blogging platform serves as the backend, and you usually have your own domain name. Though you have more control over the blog’s appearance and feel, you will probably need to pay a monthly fee.

Selecting a hosting platform is a good option for those who are just starting out in blogging and don’t want to commit a lot of money. As you can see from the top ten list below, there are many free platforms available, and getting started is really simple.

The Advantages of Starting a Blog

For many, starting a blog is just a means of expressing their thoughts and views online. Increasing your visibility and personal brand through blogging is another excellent strategy. A blog is a terrific method to grow your name and be noticed by firms that are looking for people with a strong internet presence. Professional writers can enhance their online portfolios by blogging. Blogging is a wonderful method for them to post high-quality work that they can showcase to potential clients, even if they don’t have an official byline.

Money can also be made through blogging. Certain blogging systems allow you to display advertisements on your pages. Your ad revenue alone can support you if your blogs manage to garner a substantial amount of traffic. Weekly blog posts are becoming popular among small businesses as well.

Businesses that use blogs have the chance to draw readers’ attention to their goods and services while also offering insightful material. A well-written and maintained blog can help raise a company’s search engine rating. There are also a tonne of SEO opportunities.



30% of all websites are powered by the online WordPress solution, making it the most widely used blogging platform on the internet. You read correctly—Wordpress powers 30% of all websites!

Although the software is free, you will need to pay for hosting, which can be done through any hosting provider where you may also pay for a custom domain name. This version of WordPress has a learning curve. But anyone who has used a computer before ought to be able to pick up the fundamentals of the platform in around an hour. It’s really easy to publish your daily pieces once you have the fundamentals down.

The freedom to customise WordPress is one of its best features. You can really customise the look and feel of your blog or website to reflect your personal style with the countless design elements at your disposal. Additionally, 45,000 free plugins for WordPress websites are available for you to personalise whatever you choose.


  • The most widely used blogging platform online.
  • Countless options for designs
  • 45,000 plugins for website customisation.
  • Excellent support from the community. There’s a good probability that someone can assist you if you need it.


  • Not included is hosting
  • There is a little learning curve to get started for novices.
  • Getting your site operating exactly as you want it to sometimes take some time.

For those who want a dedicated website with their own domain and take blogging seriously, the self-hosting WordPress option is the ideal alternative. To increase your chances of making money, you may also put advertisements anywhere you choose.

2. Blogger

Being among the first blogging platforms, Blogger has a track record of giving bloggers all around the world a dependable and consistent blogging experience. The website is now run by Google, so you may sign up for free if you have a Google account! The platform’s user interface is really straightforward, and they take care of all the technical intricacies. It is very simple to use.

This platform includes hosting, and you can use a custom domain name instead of the default “” if you’d like. Although there aren’t as many customisable choices as on other platforms, the software is nonetheless easy to use. It works well for casual bloggers and those who simply want to post content on a personal blog.


  • Your blog may be up and running in a couple of minutes.
  • A tidy and uncomplicated user interface
  • Hosting is included with Blogger, so there are no additional costs.


  • If you compare the interface to other services, it could appear a little dated.
  • Few options that can be customised
  • Not requiring any plug-ins
  • Unwise decision in terms of monetization

Blogger is an excellent option if you are a hobby blogger and do not intend to utilise your blog for business purposes. It has a lengthy history of being a dependable hosting platform and is really simple to use.

3. Medium

In recent years, Medium has gained popularity among both professional and recreational bloggers. Bloggers and writers can share their articles and blog entries in this group. Because the layout is the same for all users, readers can expect a consistent experience.

When you sign up, hosting is provided, and the platform is free to use. You can share a custom domain for an individual article or story, but you won’t get one for your profile. Because everyone has the same layout and design, it is very easy to use. Just register and get writing!

For writers, companies looking to build their brand, and hobby bloggers, Medium is a great option. The platform is open to all users, and many well-known bloggers from the internet share their articles there.


  • Interface that is easy to use
  • Friendly environment and helpfulness of other users
    No cost to use
  • Fantastic typographic possibilities to alter the appearance of your text


  • You are unable to alter your blog, and the format and style are the same for everyone.
  • The final say on your publications belongs to Medium.
  • In general, Medium is an excellent resource for sharing single stories. Medium is an excellent place to start if your goal is to simply begin experimenting with writing before creating your own website.

4. Tumblr

Tumblr could work well for you if you simply share brief posts. Quotes, microblogs, GIFs, photos, and videos abound on this website. Posts can be directly shared and commented on by users, and if you provide quality content, it may become viral on the website.

There are no hosting costs associated with its use. Your account comes with a subdomain, but with a little effort, you can obtain a custom domain. The site’s simplicity of use is one of its main advantages. Tumblr is the most user-friendly platform on this list and is accessible to all users.

You can customise the look and feel of your page on Tumblr with a plethora of design possibilities, but keep in mind that many of the designs are premium, so you’ll need to pay a little price.


  • A social network site with excellent alternatives for user engagement that has a sense of community
  • No cost to use
  • Included with a subdomain is hosting.
  • An extremely basic user interface
  • Countless types and styles to choose from


  • Restricted in many areas when compared to other blogging platforms.
  • Plug-ins are not accessible for users.
  • No postponements
  • Tumblr might be an excellent option for you if you don’t want to make your blog your business. Additionally, hobby bloggers who publish a variety of media or shorter content pieces like microblogs can benefit from it.


The hosted version of the platform is called, not to be confused with the other WordPress entry on this list. With this edition, there is no programme to download because everything is done online. It’s really simple to set up your account, and you can begin publishing blogs right away.

There are various plans available, ranging from $299 per year for professional bloggers to free. You can use a custom domain for your blog, but using a free subdomain is also an option. The simplicity of usage of this WordPress version in comparison to the self-hosting version is one of its advantages. After creating your account, you can use the basic tools to start building your page and publishing blogs!

You have access to hundreds of design choices, and if you have a premium account, you can further alter the themes. Remember that compared to the self-hosted version, this one is much less customisable and has less features.

You can utilise a handful of the WordPress plugins on your page. However, you are limited to using what they provide and are unable to use any third-party extensions with the platform.


  • Incredibly simple to begin publishing your content
  • A subdomain and hosting are included of the complimentary plan.
  • There are two options available to you: free usage or premium plans with more features.


  • You are limited to using the default WordPress themes and are unable to install custom themes.
  • No third-party plug-in options
  • WordPress has the right to abruptly terminate your website if your blogs violate their policies.
  • unavailable everywhere, and the website is blocked in other nations.

The ideal version of WordPress for bloggers who don’t care about features that can be customised is this one. This can be a fantastic option for you if you’re pleased with the specialised themes and are more concerned with the material you produce.

6. Ghost

Ghost is essentially a more stripped-down WordPress variant that prioritises being a blogging platform over website hosting. They remove all of the clutter included in WordPress’ content management features and make blogging incredibly simple.

Ghost can be downloaded for free, but hosting needs a monthly subscription plan that might cost as little as a few dollars or as much as $200, depending on the volume of traffic you anticipate. If you decide to use the free version, all you have to do is download and install Ghost on the web host of your choice.

Ghost does not come with your own domain, but you can create one using the hosting provider of your choice. The platform version you pick will determine how easy it is to use. Installing the free version on the hosting servers takes some expertise. The layout is quite easy to understand and won’t require much prior experience if you have Ghost Pro.

Though many of the designs are paid for, there is a large selection for your blog. You may also consider downloading designs from online marketplaces owned by third parties. Although Ghost comes with a few necessary plug-ins like SEO, comments, and more, it does not support third-party plugins or extensions.


  • A straightforward blogging platform without of extraneous details
  • Simple to use interface for writing and publishing
  • swift response time and SEO optimisation.


  • Not as adaptable as some of the other choices on this list.
  • Versions that are free do not include hosting.
  • Not compatible with extensions or plugins from third parties.

You may wish to consider other solutions if you are a company or professional blogger. Ghost is an excellent platform if all you need is somewhere to publish your content—especially if it is search engine optimised. It is easy to use, uncomplicated, and ideal for novice bloggers.

7. Squarespace

Squarespace is a widely used tool by both individuals and small businesses. Its simple drag-and-drop features and tutorials will help you quickly construct an amazing website. Though the tools are primarily intended for corporations, bloggers can still find value in using them. You have room to grow if you want to turn your blog into a business at some point.


  • Simple-to-use features
  • May come with a personalised domain name if acquired independently
  • Simple-to-use templates


  • Limited to some extent in lower tiers
  • Not any free choices

For anyone who needs to quickly create a fully functional website, Squarespace is a terrific solution. The design process is quite straightforward thanks to the drag and drop capability. Although it is best suited for corporations, bloggers may also find value in the platform.

8. Wix

Squarespace and Wix are quite similar in that they both provide many of the same all-in-one website development tools. Its look and user experience varies slightly from Squarespace’s, although sharing many of the same features. One significant distinction is that premium plans are offered to individuals who require additional services, and you can begin using them for free.

Every plan comes with hosting and a subdomain, but you are also free to use your own domain if you’d like. Your website can be easily set up, but in order to utilise it as a blog, you’ll need to install an extra blog module. You may choose from more than 500 designs on Wix, so you’re sure to discover one that complements your style and business.

Wix offers the basic plugins and extensions that the majority of websites require, but you can buy more through their app store.


  • Plans are accessible for free.
  • 500+ design possibilities to select from
  • A user-friendly interface featuring drag-and-drop capabilities
  • Excellent customer service there to assist you with any queries or issues.


  • If you’re an experienced user, you might want to consider alternative solutions because it’s not as customisable as some of the other platforms on this list.
  • Not a blogging platform specifically, so if that’s all you need, a more basic choice could be ideal.

For everyone who wants a website, Wix is fantastic. It is highly feature-rich and simple to construct a website with no prior knowledge. Although amateur bloggers would find greater value in a choice without all of the other capabilities, it is still a terrific alternative for corporations.

9. Joomla

If you’re an accomplished user of WordPress or other similar platforms, Joomla might be a great fit for you. It is quite demanding and has a steep learning curve for new users. Nonetheless, Joomla is a well-liked option for bloggers and internet merchants due to its emphasis on SEO and adaptability.

Although Joomla has a steep learning curve, if you get the hang of it, it can be a powerful platform for posting and managing content. Furthermore, the platform is free to use for a single month before requiring a monthly subscription fee.


  • Incredibly adaptable with a wide range of customisable settings
  • SEO-oriented
  • Supports numerous front-end languages


  • Difficult to learn without any prior knowledge
  • After the first month, no more free version
  • Updates, backups, and security are handled by hand.

This can be an excellent option if you have prior expertise using sophisticated website construction technologies. There are countless options with it, and it is incredibly versatile. But if you’re just a hobby blogger, use a simpler solution to avoid some problems.

10. Drupal

A lot of individuals use Drupal, a complete content management system, to design and develop their websites. It is an excellent software option for online forums, e-commerce sites, and even some formal websites of well-known corporations. Similar to the last entry, it is not recommended for novice users due to its high learning curve.

With over 2,000 themes to select from and complete customisation options, your website will look and work flawlessly. In the event that you select this option, you will need to locate a web host as Drupal does not provide hosting.


  • Support for multiple content formats, such as podcasts, videos, and text
  • countless choices for customisation, including those related to responsiveness, design, and layout.
  • A strong platform for users and professional enterprises.


  • For novices, difficult to learn and use
  • You must be proficient in coding and programming.
  • Hosting is not accessible.
  • Not a platform specifically for blogging

Drupal can be the ideal option for you if you have sophisticated requirements and need to personalise every element of your website. If you are merely a hobby blogger, you might find the capabilities a bit overwhelming and might be better off using a more basic blogging-specific service.


FAQs : Blogging Platforms

1. What is a blogging platform?

A blogging platform is a software or service that allows users to create, manage, and publish content on a blog. These platforms often provide tools for writing, editing, and formatting blog posts, as well as features for customizing the blog’s design, managing comments, and integrating social media.

2. What are the most popular blogging platforms?

Some of the most popular blogging platforms include:

  • A self-hosted platform known for its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem.
  • A hosted version of WordPress with less flexibility but easier setup and maintenance.
  • Blogger: A free platform by Google that is simple to use but less customizable.
  • Medium: A platform focused on writing and community engagement, offering a clean, minimalist interface.
  • Wix: A website builder with blogging capabilities, known for its drag-and-drop interface.
  • Squarespace: A website builder that offers stylish templates and integrated blogging tools.
  • Ghost: A platform focused on professional publishing and simplicity.

3. What is the difference between and

  • Also known as self-hosted WordPress, it requires you to purchase hosting and a domain name. It offers complete control over your website and access to thousands of plugins and themes.
  • A hosted service where you don’t need to worry about hosting or maintenance. It has free and paid plans, with limitations on customization and plugin use on the free and lower-tier plans.

4. Do I need to know how to code to use a blogging platform?

No, you don’t need to know how to code to use most blogging platforms. Many platforms, such as, Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace, offer user-friendly interfaces with drag-and-drop features and pre-made templates. However, having some coding knowledge can be helpful if you want to customize your blog beyond the provided templates and features, especially on more flexible platforms like

5. Can I make money from my blog?

Yes, you can make money from your blog through various methods, including:

  • Advertising: Displaying ads on your blog using services like Google AdSense.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products and earning a commission on sales generated through your affiliate links.
  • Sponsored Posts: Writing posts in exchange for payment from brands.
  • Selling Products/Services: Offering your own products or services directly from your blog.
  • Subscriptions and Memberships: Charging readers for premium content or memberships.

6. How much does it cost to start a blog?

The cost of starting a blog varies depending on the platform and your needs:

  • Free Platforms: Blogger and Medium are free to use.
  • Has free and paid plans starting at around $4/month.
  • Self-Hosted WordPress ( Requires paying for hosting ($3-$10/month) and a domain name (around $10-$15/year). Additional costs may include premium themes and plugins.
  • Wix and Squarespace: Have monthly plans ranging from $12 to $40+.

7. How do I choose the right blogging platform for my needs?

Consider the following factors when choosing a blogging platform:

  • Ease of Use: Look for a platform that matches your technical skills.
  • Customization: Determine how much design flexibility and functionality you need.
  • Cost: Consider your budget for hosting, themes, and plugins.
  • Purpose: Identify the primary goal of your blog (e.g., personal expression, business, professional portfolio).
  • Support and Community: Check if the platform has good customer support and an active user community.
  • Monetization Options: Ensure the platform supports the ways you plan to monetize your blog.

Conclusion :

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