Blockchain Hosting Providers: The Next-Generation Infrastructure for Web 3 Developers

Blockchain Hosting Providers : With the increasing popularity of blockchain technology, more businesses are aiming to develop decentralised websites and applications. Nevertheless, establishing and running a blockchain network can be difficult and complicated. Blockchain web hosting can help with this by offering the infrastructure and assistance required to host blockchain networks and nodes.

This succinct yet comprehensive reference to blockchain hosting will examine some of the leading suppliers and contrast their offerings in terms of features, costs, and services.

A Brief Introduction

Recent data suggests that blockchain hosting has a promising future. There is a lot of interest in and support for blockchain technology, as seen by the fact that the number of active nodes on the Ethereum and Bitcoin networks keeps increasing. Furthermore, the growing significance of nodes in terms of security and decentralisation implies that this particular kind of hosting will remain a crucial component of blockchain infrastructure in the future.

Even if there are still worries about energy usage, initiatives are being made to address these problems by using renewable energy sources and developing more energy-efficient practices. Blockchain hosting will undoubtedly be crucial to technology in the future.

Take a peek at these astounding blockchain statistics.

  1. By March 2023, there were more than 13,000 active nodes of Ethereum and Bitcoin combined.
  2. The number of nodes on the Ethereum network increased by more than 50% in 2021, compared to a 20% increase on the Bitcoin network.
  3. An approximate annual cost of $2,000 is calculated for the hosting of a Bitcoin node.
  4. In 2021, the Ethereum blockchain has more than 1TB of storage capacity, compared to the Bitcoin blockchain’s 400GB.
  5. Germany, the US, France, the Netherlands, and China are the top five nations having the most Bitcoin nodes.
  6. Over the course of the last year, there has been an 80% increase in the number of nodes on the Bitcoin Lightning Network, a layer-2 solution for quicker and less expensive Bitcoin transactions.
  7. As more transactions are performed on the network, the average block size on the Bitcoin network has increased, rising from over 1MB in 2016 to over 1.3MB in 2021.
  8. The Solana blockchain has experienced a 1,000% increase in active nodes in 2021, positioning it as one of the fastest-growing blockchain networks.
  9. In a recent survey, more than 80 percent of blockchain developers expressed the opinion that node hosting is crucial to the security and decentralisation of blockchain networks.
  10. A year ago, the projected overall energy usage of the Bitcoin network, including node operations, was approximately 143 TWh, which is comparable to Argentina’s annual energy use.

Nevertheless, it appears that the reason you are here is that you want to host a blockchain application but lack the technical know-how to oversee the supporting infrastructure. There’s nowhere else to look. To assist you in making an informed choice, I will highlight the salient features, costs, and security protocols of the top organisations in the field in this article.

We will discuss a variety of providers in this piece, including well-known players in the market like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services in addition to specialised blockchain hosting firms like Binance and Blockdaemon. I will provide you with a synopsis of each service and its features so you can choose the one that best meets your requirements.

Let’s Start with The Definition of What Blockchain Hosting Is

The use of blockchain technology to provide website, application, and other online platform hosting is known as blockchain hosting. Blockchain hosting stores information and data on a decentralised network of computers that cooperate to guarantee data security and prevent deletion or alteration without network consensus.

Businesses and people alike might gain from enhanced security and dependability as well as the capacity to keep control over their data by employing blockchain hosting. In addition, compared to standard hosting services, blockchain hosting can offer lower costs, better scalability and speed.

Few Blockchain Hosts to Watch For

Businesses and individuals that wish to use the decentralised technology of blockchain to secure their data and transactions are increasingly turning to blockchain hosting. The number of businesses providing blockchain hosting is growing along with the demand for this service. It might be challenging to select the ideal blockchain hosting company for your requirements when there are so many choices. Allow me to present to you a few of the leading companies in the blockchain hosting space as of 2023.

Binance Cloud

A whole range of blockchain hosting services, such as wallet, node, and smart contract hosting, are provided by Binance Cloud. Their platform is an excellent option for enterprise-level blockchain applications because it is highly scalable and has cutting-edge security features. Additionally, Binance Cloud provides a number of customisation choices so that companies can adapt their hosting solutions to meet their unique requirements.

Binance Cloud offers competitively priced blockchain hosting services, with node hosting starting at $0.02/hour and wallet hosting at $0.01/hour. The cost of smart contract hosting is $0.15 per hour, plus more for data transfer and storage. Additionally, Binance Cloud provides a free trial for their blockchain hosting services so that companies can evaluate the platform before deciding to subscribe to a subscription plan.


Blockchain hosting company Infura focuses on Ethereum hosting. They are an excellent option for developers of decentralised applications (DApps) because they provide scalable hosting options tailored for Ethereum development. Before switching to a commercial plan, developers can test and refine their DApps using Infura’s free plan. Their platform has cutting-edge security measures and is very dependable.

Depending on the particular plan selected, Infura’s blockchain hosting services have different prices. Up to 100,000 queries per day are permitted under their free plan, and up to 1 million requests per day are permitted under their subscription plans, which start at $25 per month.

Bitfury Crystal


Blockchain hosting company Bitfury Crystal offers enterprise-class infrastructure and hosting for blockchain applications. Security tools, analytics, and node hosting are among its services. Bitfury Crystal offers a dependable and secure infrastructure, making running a blockchain node easier. Cost is determined by the services needed and how they are used.


  • Infrastructure and hosting fit for an enterprise
  • Hosting of nodes
  • Analytical
  • Tools for security
  • Streamlined blockchain node hosting procedure


Provider of managed node hosting for several blockchains such as Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Bitcoin, Chainstack is a blockchain hosting service. Node setup, management, and monitoring are among its offerings. Chainstack offers an intuitive platform with integrated tools and assistance, making it easier to host a blockchain node. Pricing is determined by usage and node count.


  • Hosting of managed nodes for several blockchains
  • Monitoring, management, and deployment of nodes
  • user-friendly platform with integrated support and tools
  • Streamlined blockchain node hosting procedure


From $49 a month for a single node

Amazon Managed Blockchain

One of the top cloud hosting companies, Amazon Web options (AWS), provides a variety of blockchain hosting options. With support for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, its Managed Blockchain service offers a fully managed blockchain network. With just a few clicks in the AWS Management Console, AWS Managed Blockchain makes it easier to create and administer scalable blockchain networks. The size and utilisation of the network determine pricing.


  • A blockchain network that is fully managed
  • Supports Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric
  • Creating and maintaining blockchain networks is simple.
  • Adaptable


Commencing at $0.015 per hour per node

IBM Blockchain Platform

Building, testing, and deploying blockchain applications is made easier with the capabilities offered by IBM Blockchain Platform, a cloud-based blockchain hosting service. It provides capabilities including smart contract administration, identity management, and analytics and supports several blockchain frameworks, including Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. The size and utilisation of the network determine pricing.


  • Blockchain hosting solution delivered via the cloud
  • Accommodates several blockchain frameworks
  • Astute contract administration
  • Identity administration
  • Analytical


Commencing at $0.10 per hour per node

Microsoft Azure Blockchain

Support for Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, and Corda are among the blockchain hosting options offered by Microsoft Azure Blockchain. Tools for developing blockchain applications, deployment templates, and interfaces with additional Azure services are among its offerings. With just a few clicks, Microsoft Azure Blockchain streamlines the creation, deployment, and management of blockchain networks. The size and utilisation of the network determine pricing.

Features: Compatible with Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, and Ethereum

  • Tools for developing blockchains
  • Templates for deployment
  • Connectivity to more Azure services
  • Streamlined creation, deployment, and management process
  • Blockchain systems


Each node will cost $0.12 an hour to start.


Blockdaemon is a blockchain infrastructure platform that offers managed node hosting for several different blockchains, such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Bitcoin. Node monitoring, automatic updates, and connection with external services are some of its features. By taking care of the technical aspects, Blockdaemon makes running a blockchain node easier, freeing you up to concentrate on developing your application. Pricing is determined by usage and node count.


  • Hosting of managed nodes for several blockchains
  • Monitoring of nodes
  • Updates automatically
  • Combining services from third parties
  • Streamlined blockchain node hosting procedure


$9 a month is all you have to pay for one node.

Digital Ocean

Blockchain hosting services are provided by cloud hosting company Digital Ocean. It offers load balancing, block storage, and VPS hosting among other things. With only a few clicks, Digital Ocean offers a straightforward and user-friendly infrastructure for hosting blockchain nodes. Pricing is determined by usage and the chosen VPS package.


  • Provider of cloud hosting
  • VPS web hosting
  • Balancing loads
  • Block archiving
  • Easy-to-use and basic platform


VPS hosting starts at $5 per month.

Google Cloud Platform

A variety of blockchain hosting services are offered by Google Cloud Platform, including support for Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. Among its offerings are Pub/Sub for real-time messaging, Cloud Bigtable for high-performance data storage, and Blockchain Templates for simple setup. Blockchain nodes can be hosted on a scalable and dependable infrastructure thanks to Google Cloud Platform. The size and utilisation of the network determine pricing.


  • supports Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric
  • Blockchain Templates for Simple Implementation
  • High-performance cloud bigtable data storage
  • For real-time messaging, use Pub/Sub
  • scalable and trustworthy infrastructure


Each node will cost $0.40 an hour starting now.

The Advantages of Blockchain Hosting:

  • Decentralisation: Data is stored on several nodes around the network when using blockchain hosting, which increases its resistance against hackers and data breaches.
  • Enhanced Security: Since every block in the chain includes a cryptographic hash of the one before it, past transactions are nearly difficult to change, blockchain technology is intrinsically secure.
  • Enhanced Transparency: All transactions made using blockchain hosting are documented on an unchangeable ledger, hence augmenting accountability and transparency.
  • Reduced Costs: Since blockchain hosting does not require a centralised server, it may be less expensive than traditional hosting techniques.
  • Faster Transactions: Since there is no need for a central authority to check and authorise every transaction, transactions on the blockchain can be processed far more quickly than those using traditional methods.

Few Cons of Blockchain Hosting:

  • Technical Complexity: Some users may find blockchain hosting difficult to use because it takes a certain amount of technical knowledge and proficiency.
  • Scalability Problems: Because blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has not yet been thoroughly tested at large volumes, it may not be as scalable as more established hosting options.
  • Storage Restrictions: As the blockchain network expands, storage restrictions may become an issue since every node keeps a copy of the complete ledger.
  • Dependency on the Network: Blockchain hosting is reliant on the network’s stability and health, which can be impacted by outside variables like DDoS assaults or other network outages.
  • Restricted possibilities: Compared to traditional hosting, there can be less possibilities for hosting providers and functionalities because blockchain hosting is a relatively new technology.

A Word of Advice

You won’t want to overlook these 5 insightful suggestions if you’re looking for a trustworthy hosting company!

  • Select a Reputable Partner: It’s critical to conduct due diligence and identify a hosting company with a strong track record and positive client feedback. Verify whether they have a track record of dependability and security.
  • Remember scalability: You might need to increase your hosting resources as your blockchain application expands. To meet your needs, look for a provider that provides expandable hosting solutions.
  • Recognise the price: Before committing to a hosting service, it’s critical to recognise the price structure and any additional fees, as hosting costs can differ significantly between providers.
  • Put Security First: Since security is a key component of blockchain technology, it’s crucial to select a hosting company that has robust security protocols in place. This contains functions like frequent backups and DDoS defence.
  • Use Customer assistance: When utilising a new technology such as blockchain hosting, it is always beneficial to have access to knowledgeable and helpful customer assistance. Choose a service provider who can offer you prompt, friendly assistance with any inquiries or problems that may come up.


FAQs : Blockchain Hosting Providers

1. What is a blockchain hosting provider?

A blockchain hosting provider offers infrastructure and services for deploying, managing, and maintaining blockchain nodes or networks. These providers handle the technical complexities of setting up and running blockchain nodes, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations without worrying about the underlying blockchain infrastructure.

2. What types of blockchain networks do hosting providers support?

Blockchain hosting providers typically support a variety of blockchain networks, including public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, private blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric and R3 Corda, and consortium blockchains. Some providers may also support emerging blockchain technologies and custom blockchain solutions tailored to specific business needs.

3. What are the benefits of using a blockchain hosting provider?

The benefits of using a blockchain hosting provider include:

      • Simplified Deployment: Quick and easy setup of blockchain nodes.
      • Scalability: Ability to scale resources as needed.
      • Security: Enhanced security measures to protect blockchain data and nodes.
      • Reliability: High availability and uptime guarantees.
      • Cost Efficiency: Reduced costs associated with managing and maintaining blockchain infrastructure.
      • Expert Support: Access to expert support and troubleshooting services.

4. How do blockchain hosting providers ensure security?

    • Blockchain hosting providers ensure security through various measures, including:
      • Encryption: Encrypting data both in transit and at rest.
      • Access Controls: Implementing strict access controls and multi-factor authentication.
      • Regular Audits: Conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
      • DDoS Protection: Protecting against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
      • Firewall Protection: Using advanced firewalls to block unauthorized access.

5. What factors should I consider when choosing a blockchain hosting provider?

When choosing a blockchain hosting provider, consider the following factors:

      • Network Support: Ensure the provider supports the blockchain network(s) you intend to use.
      • Performance: Look for providers with high-performance infrastructure and low latency.
      • Security: Evaluate the provider’s security measures and compliance with industry standards.
      • Scalability: Check if the provider offers scalable solutions to accommodate growth.
      • Support: Consider the availability and quality of customer support.
      • Cost: Compare pricing models and ensure transparency in costs.

6. Can blockchain hosting providers assist with regulatory compliance?

Yes, many blockchain hosting providers offer services and features that help businesses comply with regulatory requirements. This may include data residency options, compliance certifications (such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOC 2), and audit support. Providers may also offer tools for monitoring and reporting to ensure ongoing compliance with relevant regulations.

Conclusion :

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