6 Best Everlasting Ranking Factors of Google That Everyone Must Know

Despite SEO and Google algorithms changing over time, some ranking factors still work like charm. As Digital marketers, we all know the importance of SEO in our daily life. Hence, it’s important to know the best ranking factors of Google.

In this article, we have discussed some of the best ranking factors of Google that every beginner or intermediate must know. And we think that these ranking factors will never be dead.

Importance of Ranking Factors in SEO

Many people wonder about the ranking factors. And some often question that “Are these really helpful for ranking?”.
Yes. These ranking factors are important because they are still providing the best results to many marketers out there.

If you follow the ranking factors, there are high chances that you’re going to rank at the top of Google’s first page. Because Google wants to rank the websites which adhere to its guidelines along with user experience.

Also Read: Is SEO Dead? Here’s What People Are Saying

Benefits of Ranking Factors

Here are some benefits of ranking factors that everyone must be aware of…

  • Helps you rank in a better position on Google.
  • Website visibility for all users worldwide.
  • You can build a brand using ranking factors.
  • Win the trust of Google by following its algorithm guidelines.

6 Best Everlasting Ranking Factors of Google

In this paragraph, we’ll talk about the everlasting ranking factors of Google. Regardless of the algorithm updates, these ranking factors can never be replaced or dead. Because it’s the most important part of SEO that Google must want from the website owners.

  • User Experience
  • Page Speed
  • Mobile-friendly Layout
  • Relevant Content
  • Proper Use of Keywords
  • Backlinks

Let’s learn briefly about them…

1. User Experience

The recent Google algorithm updates have shown everyone the importance of user experience. If a website can’t provide the best user experience to its readers, it no longer deserves to be ranked at the top.

The best user experience is when the website has a good theme structure along with truthful information. If the users visit your website and stay for a longer duration due to the quality of your website, then it will send a good response to Google. Hence, your position will be bounced from bottom to top in no time.

Read More: Importance of User Experience in SEO

2. Page Speed

Page speed is often counted as a user experience. However, we’d like to introduce you to this separately since it’s too much important. The page speed matters in ranking at the top. If your website has a long loading time, It will impact your rankings poorly.

Because users don’t like a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. However, it’s advisable to keep the loading time less than 2 seconds. It’ll spark interest inside the user to explore more. And it will result in users staying on your website for a longer duration.

3. Mobile-friendly Layout

Most of the users use Google via mobile devices. Hence, it’s important that your website is well-optimized for mobile devices. There are over 5 billion mobile device users in the world. And there are around 4 billion users that use Google every day.

As a result, your website must be compatible with the mobile version as well. And if it’s not, then all the mobile device users will bounce back to your website. And this will not be good for the SEO of your website.

4. Relevant Content

Everybody loves to read only relevant content or watch relevant videos. If there’s anything in any content that is not relevant to the users or not related to the topic, most users are likely to skip that part. Moreover, there are chances that users will skip the whole content and stick to your competitors.

That is why it’s recommended to add only appropriate things to your content. In simple words, write an article related to your targeted keywords only. Don’t add any other information. And also, make sure your content is interesting so that users can read it with devotion.

5. Proper Use of Keywords

It’s one of the most essential things in On-page SEO. The proper use of keywords constantly tells Google what the article is about. And once Google knows the purpose of the article, it’ll rank it at the top for its readers.

Most of the writers do keyword stuffing instead of proper alignment of keywords. That is the main reason their content never ranks. You have to mention your keyword naturally and make sure you’re not repeating it again and again.

6. Backlinks

There was a time when marketers use to make tons of backlinks from websites that are even not relevant to their niche. However, it has completely changed over time. In modern SEO, you get boosted by backlinks only when someone from your targeted niche provides you with a link.

Moreover, the tons of comment backlinks don’t boost that much now. Only high-quality links like guest posts, in-article backlinks, forums, profile backlinks, etc. work well to boost ranking. Among all these backlink types, a guest post is the most effective way to boost ranking.

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